The Outstanding Cleaning Efficiency of Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaner
The industrial ultrasonic cleaner can almost be used in all industrial branches in the manufacturing process and commercial areas. In some occations, an ultrasonic cleaner is even considered essential cleaning equipment. This is because of the outstanding cleaning efficiency of ultrasonic cleaning..
An industrial ultrasonic cleaner consists of a stainless steel ultrasonic tank, some quantity transducers and several ultrasonic generators, they work together for cleaning. The transducers which are mounted at the bottome of the tank generator ultrasonic waves, ultrasound waves travel in liquid longitudinal forms, creating a specific area with overpressure and vacuum, which then, in turn, determines how the liquid evaporates. Cohesions represent the chemical reaction that makes a liquid conjoin. While the high intensity is continually increasing in the liquid, in the vacuum phase, the liquid will evaporate, and little steam bubbles will emerge. These steam bubbles implode in the next overpressure phase, a process which is also called cavitation. The extreme high forces existing in this procedure eventually lead to micro blast waves and microstreaming.
During the cleaning process, there are many external factors and parameters which influence the cavitation process, such as temperature, outside pressure, the type of liquid, the sonic frequency, the intensity and other values. That’s why the cleaning efficiency is different at many times. In the end, the cavitation is what generates an incredible cleaning effect that can be only compared to the active attack of thousands of micro brushes.
As for many factories, the advantages of ultrasonic cleaning for industrial metal parts is obvious. The industrial ultrasonic cleaner is easy to handle, uses fewer chemicals as well as low cleaning temperature. It also needs a shorter time to do a highly efficient job.
The demand for ultrasonic cleaner has been increasing these years, as more and more production units have grown to find this system indispensable in completing their cleaning tasks.